Use these distance conversions to figure out how many laps you will need to do in the pool to swim the same distance as your goal race.

  • Sprint Distance Triathlon: Varies, but generally ¼ mile or 300-500 yards.
  • Olympic or International Distance Triathlon:  1,500 meters or 1640 yards.
  • Half Iron Distance or Long Course Triathlon:  1.2 miles, 2112 yards, or 1900 meters.
  • Iron Distance Triathlon:  2.4 miles, 4224 yards, or 3,800 meters.
Common triathlon swim distance conversions - how many laps in the pool


1 length = 25 yards (from wall to wall)
1 lap = 2 lengths = 50 yards

¼ mile = 440 yards = 9 laps
½ mile = 880 yards = 18 laps
1 mile = 1760 yards = 35 laps
1.2 miles = 2112 yards = 42 laps
2.4 miles = 4224 yards = 85 laps
(Laps rounded to the closest full lap)


1 length = 50 meters
1 lap = 2 lengths = 100 meters

¼ mile = 402 meters = 4 laps
½ mile = 806 meters = 8 laps
1 mile = 1609 meters = 16 laps
1.2 miles = 1931 meters = 19 laps
2.4 miles = 3862 meters = 39 laps
(Laps rounded to the closest full lap)

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Figure out your swim pace for a variety of distance using these time trials and pace chart.

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